Network slicing | SBA | Service Based Architecture

Acronyms and Abbreviations

This document uses the following acronyms:
3GPP3rd Generation Partnership Project
BSS/OSSBusiness Support Systems/Operations Support Systems
EMSElement Management System
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute
FCAPSFault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security
IaaSInfra structure as a Service
KPIKey Performance Indicator
MANOETSI Management and Orchestration
LCMLife Cycle Management
MNOMobile Network Operator
M&OManagement & Orchestration
NaaSNetwork as a Service
NGMNNext Generation Mobile Networks
NMSNetwork Management System
NSMFNetwork Slice Subnet Management Functions
NSSMFNetwork Slice Management Function
NFVINetwork Functions Virtualisation Infrastructure
NVFONetwork Virtualization Function Orchestrator
PNFPhysical Network Function
RANRadio Access Network
SLAService Level Agreement
VIMVirtualised Infrastructure Manager
VNFVirtualised Network Function

Why Slice the NEtwork ?

Isolate difference traffice cases from other, like mobile traffice to mission critical traffice, in order to not effect each other.

Network Element
Network Functions
Virtualization via Openstack
Containerization via Kubernetes/Docker




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