RAN | O-RAN | Open RAN | Open Radio Access Network | Layers |

 RAN Elements 

  1. Antennas convert electrical signals into radio waves.
  2. Radios transform digital information into signals that can be sent wirelessly and ensure that transmissions are in the correct frequency bands with the right power levels.
  3. Baseband units (BBUs) provide a set of signal processing functions that make wireless communication possible. Traditional baseband uses custom electronics combined with multiple lines of code to enable wireless communication, typically using the licensed radio spectrum. BBU processing detects errors, secures the wireless signal and ensures that wireless resources are used effectively.

RAN Radio Resources 

Radio Resources Management Techniques 

Power control, scheduling, cell search, cell reselection, handover, radio link or connection monitoring, and connection establishment and re-establishment.

bearer selection (Master Cell Group (MCG), bearer, Secondary Cell Group (SCG) bearer, Split bearer), 


Major factors for RAN capabilities

  • Channel Bandwidth
  • MIMO Antenna Configuration
  • Modulation Coding Scheme
  • UE radio Condition (SNR/SINR, CQI, RSRP, RSRQ etc.)
  • Duplex Mode e.g. FDD, TDD

UE-level Radio Resource/Configuration

  • Idle mode DRX
  • Connected Mode DRX
  • BSR Report period etc

eNodeB Level configurations 

  • Cell reselection and handover parameters
  • Attribute Names ?
  • Modifying load calculations and cell priorities 
  • Attribute Names ?

DU Level Radio Resources

CU Level Radio Resources


UEs and eNodeB KPI

  • CQI - Channel Quality Indication ex. 1,5 Mhz 10Mhz, 20 Mhz
  • RAN protocol stack status: e.g. PDCP buffer status
  • Per user performance statistics such as PDCP throughput, RLC or MAC layer latency, etc

        With the KPIs included in the QCI set you can compare user experience and load between different LTE                Quality of Service (QoS) Class Indicators (QCI). This helps visualize whether users expecting a high QoS are         getting that experience. This also helps you to determine if there is sufficient capacity available to add high            value subscribers in the selected location.

  • Active UEs DL - Number of active users in downlink per QCI
  • Avg User Throughput - Average downlink throughput of users per QCI
  • DL PRB Utilization - Percentage of downlink Physical Resource Blocks (PRB) used per QCI
  • ERAB Accessibility - Percentage of session setup failures per QCI
  • ERAB Retainability - Percentage of sessions with abnormal releases per QCI
  • PDCCH CCE Utilization - Percentage of Control Channel Elements (CCE) used per QCI
  • PRB Utilization - Physical Resource Block
  • Cell reselection and handover parameters; modifying load calculations and cell priorities;
  • Carrier/band preferences at per-UE or group of UE granularity.
  • intra-RAT and inter-RAT measurement reports, cell quality thresholds, CGI reports and
  • measurement gaps on per-UE or per-frequency.
  • RSRP - Reference Signal Received Power, -44dbm (good) to -140dbm(bad).
  • RSRQ -  Reference Signal Received Quality, -19.5dB(bad) to -3dB (good).
  • SINR - Signal To Interference Noise Ratio, value should be high
  • RB - Resource Block    In LTE one Resource Block is about 180 KHz, So 20 MHz has 100 RBs, Less Bandwidth means less Resource Block, More BW means more RBs

  • Throughput- In simple terms is transmission symbol/bits per seconds, Or Data transfer rate Up-link (i.e. UE to eNodeB ) or Down-link(eNodeB to UE), the through is directly affected by Bandwidth, Hence Resource Block(because more BW is More RB), affected by Modulation techniques (16QAM,64QAM or FDM), affected by MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Out Wireless Technique of using multiple antennas at both signal ends to increase the transfer rate)
  • Latency, 

    Cell Level KPI :

  • Cell load statistics such as information in the form of 
  • number of active users or connections,
  •  number of scheduled,
  •  active users per TTI, 
  • PRB utilization, and 
  • CCE utilization.
  • Maximum number of users 





Amplitude Modulation 

64 QAM [ Quadrative Amplitude modulation ] = 6 bits/Hz

16 QAM [                                                        ] = 4 bits/Hz

Frequency Modulation 

Phase Modulation

QPSK    [Quadrature Phase Shift Keying] = 2 bits/Hz

RRC_IDLE State : UE Controlled 

RRC_CONNECTED : E-UTRAN(eNodeB) controlled

AMF to UE 


The AMF should not request acknowledgement of the NITZ command. The AMF shall request acknowledgement for NSSAI information (e.g. Allowed NSSAI), 5G-GUTI, TAI List and Mobility Restrictions, LADN Information, MICO, Operator-defined access category definitions, PLMN-assigned UE Radio Capability ID and SMS subscription


Control Plane and User Plane 

eMBMS - Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service

Channel in LTE 


- Logical    [What info to send]
- Transport [How to send]
- Physical   [Where to send]

Logical Layer Channels

 Control Channel 

       Broadcast Control Channel
        - Common Control Channel
        - Multicast Control Channel
        - Dedicated Control Channel
        - Paging Control Channel
        - Broadcast Control Channel
  • MIB (master Info Block)
  • System Info Block 
  • Carry signals

SIB1 data
  • System BW,
  • PHICH Conf,
  • Frame number,
  • Nu of antenna,
  • 4 Bits

SIB(1-12) data

  • Handover,
  • Initial,
  • attachment,
  • Cell selection,
  • Track area code, 
  • SIB2(RRC Info common for all UE.
  • Page Info,
  • Info of same cell
SIB4(Same frequency parameters)
SIB5(Cell selection for diff frequency)
SIB6(Info 4G to 3G cell selection)
SIB7(Info of reselection on LTE to 2G)
SIB8(Info reselection to CDMA 2000 system)


2 Traffic Channel
Carry Data
Dedicated Traffic Channel
Multicast Traffic Channel

Type of RAN Reports

  • Performance measurements, 
  • MDT reports, RLF reports, 
  • RCEF reports, 
  • UE location reports,
  • together with the geographical, terrain and configuration data of the RAN

Network issues 

  • Failure of random access,
  • Paging, RRC connection establishment or handover,
  • Low data throughput, 
  • Abnormal releases of RRC connection or UE context, 
  • Dissatisfied QoE


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