Physics basics | frequency

wave = energy
wave completes a cycle= a positive half and negative half, like like wave in water, when you blow it.

frequency of a wave = number of completed cycle / any time interval = that many Herts

2 cycle / sec = 2 Hertz frequency.

The range of frequency for a given type of waves, sound waves, electrical waves, electro-mangnet waves.
The range is defined by the starting and end frequency also refered as bandwidth(0-50 herts = BandC)
The distance between two similar point of a given waves
because signal strength can not only be defined by frequency, ie. how many wave cycle per sec , it also depends , how big the wave is (Wavelength)
Lamda = C/ F , where c = speed of light 8
FM Radio frequency,
ranges from 87 Mhz to 104 Mhz, i,e, the that many cycles per second,
you if you want to catch a specific f wave you need tune your receiver to that level, so that you catch that wave only.
Old TV antenna,
They had different length of roads, each was catching different f , so max 12 roads means, only 12 channels


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