
Showing posts from February, 2020

Network slicing | SBA | Service Based Architecture

Acronyms and Abbreviations This document uses the following acronyms: 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project BSS/OSS Business Support Systems/Operations Support Systems EMS Element Management System ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FCAPS Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security IaaS Infra structure as a Service KPI Key Performance Indicator MANO ETSI Management and Orchestration LCM Life Cycle Management MNO Mobile Network Operator M&O Management & Orchestration NaaS Network as a Service NGMN Next Generation Mobile Networks NMS Network Management System NSMF Network Slice Subnet Management Functions NSSMF Network Slice Management Function NFVI Network Functions Virtualisation Infrastructure NVFO Network Virtualization Function Orchestrator PNF Physical Network Function RAN Radio Access Network SLA Service Level Agreement VIM Virtualised Infrastructure Manager VNF Virtualised Network Function Why Slice the NE